Tuesday, 6 December 2011

The Law Offices of Kevin R. Wilson -- A Wonderful Sponsor

A big thank you to The Law Offices of Kevin R. Wilson for sponsoring the feeding and changing area.  Moms had a seperate area to feed and change their babies, which is always nice! 

If you didn't have the chance to learn more about his office, let us introduce you:
Kevin has been a resident of Markham for over 25 years and now resides in Unionville with his wife and 2 children. After graduating from Osgoode Hall, Kevin completed his articles at the prominent law firm of Goodmans LLP in downtown Toronto. After the completion of his articles, Kevin joined Goodmans as an associate in 2005 practicing mainly corporate and commercial law. Kevin opened the Law Offices of Kevin R. Wilson in June of 2010 with the mission of bringing the high quality of legal services of Bay Street to the local residents and small businesses of “Main Street”. His core principles in dealing with his clients are honesty, integrity, personal attention to detail and commitment to excellence.

For more information, please visit www.kevinwilsonlaw.ca/ or call 905-479-5291.

Life With a Baby and Heritage RESP -- Wonderful Sponsors!

Have you had the chance to meet Life With a Baby, one of our wonderful sponsors, yet?

We are a peer-based non-profit parenting network! We help each other by sharing experiences, organizing activities such as workshops and seminars, play dates, field trips, stroller walks, parenting classes and much more!

In partnership with the Canadian Red Cross, Head Start for Baby and many Ontario Early Years Centres, we provide parenting programs, interactive workshops and seminars and other social events. Register on the website to take free basic CPR, First Aid, Injury Prevention, Water Safety, Infant Massage, Infant Nutrition, Sleep workshops and much more... Best of all,it’s FREE!!!

Visit them at www.lifewithababy.ca for more information and to register for free!

What about Heritage RESP?

At Heritage Education Funds, RESPs are all we do, which reflects in our level of expertise.  Visit us at www.heritageresp.com for more information.