My best friend gave me My Quotable Kid: A Parents' Journal Of Unforgettable Quotes as part of a gift for my baby shower back in 2008. I thought it was such a cute idea and was sure I would have plenty to fill it up with...and I have. Nicholas has said some pretty funny things over the last couple of years - his signature saying is "that's so gooooood" (saying it with a funny accent). So this got me thinking...yes, it's great having a journal of funny things they are saying, but what about the things that I a) swore I would never say and b) can't believe these words are coming out of my mouth. Is there a journal to keep a record of that? Wouldn't it be so hilarious to read that one day when the kids are grown up?
This journal may or may not exist, so I will share some of my personal favourites here. Of course, I have the standard "I can't believe I am saying these things I swore I would never say!!!", for example, "because I said so" and "don't talk with your mouth full".
Then there are the things that make me wonder...
- "stop pretending your pee-pee is a gun and stop shooting your brother"
- "stop stepping in your poop!!!!"
- "stop touching your poop!!!"
- "get your finger out of your brother's nose, there's nothing in there"
- "don't eat the money"
- "don't splash me with your pee"
- "Alex, stop climbing the stove!!!"
I can probably add a new one to this list every day and they're the ones that I would like to remember, along with the silly things my kiddies say.
Have some to add?? Please share!
:: sonja
"no pencils in the ears!!!"