Tuesday, 1 November 2011

*** CONTEST ALERT*** Share It to Win It!

The One Urban Mama show is less than three weeks away and we are getting exciting - so let's keep spreading the word!

Up for grabs are 2 tickets to the show and a $50 gift certificate to Silo Grill at Angus Glen.

What a better way to spend a Sunday than out with your favourite person, shopping some wonderful and unique vendors and enjoying lunch at Silo Grill.

Wanna Play?  Then Share it to WIN it!

- Share the following blurb on your various social media and community boards {and anywhere else you can think of}:
"The One Urban Mama show is the place to be on Sun., Nov. 20th from 9am - 4pm at the Angus Glen Golf Club.  This event features vendors from around the GTA that specialize in handmade, unique & original goodies for babies, toddlers, new mommies, and mommies-to-be and is the perfect place to do some holiday shopping!  Join on Facebook for updates - www.facebook.com/oneurbanmama."


- Share the Facebook event on your various social media and community boards:

*** Each time you post on any media/board, leave a comment below and let us know -- the more you share, the more chances you have to win! Please be sure to leave an email address ***

Winning comment will be selected using random.org on Wed., Nov. 16th at 9:00 p.m.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Rebecca Carson - rhabashy@hotmail.com13 November 2011 at 12:57

    Posted to the http://www.mygreensborough.com/ website.

  2. Rebecca Carson - rhabashy@hotmail.com13 November 2011 at 13:01

    Posted to facebook too!

  3. Awesome! Posted on my community buy and sell link! Emailed you a link as it's password protected :-)

  4. posted to my FB page http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.254190307959139&type=1&success=2&failure=0#!/marci.swift1

  5. jessica jrdm@live.com14 November 2011 at 13:16

    posted to my facebook Jessica Maguire-West

  6. jessica jrdm@live.com14 November 2011 at 13:21

    posted on baby bells as well

  7. stephanie


  8. Posted on my facebook wall on Nov 6 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=725775067

  9. Posted on my Facebook page....look forward to attending.
